MYTH #6: With top grades and test scores, students can get into any college of their choosing
Debunking Common College Admissions Myths
Debunking Common College Admissions Myths
Debunking Common College Admissions Myths
Debunking Common College Admissions Myths
Debunking Common College Admissions Myths
Debunking Common College Admissions Myths
Debunking Common College Admissions Myths
Paying for College: The Basics of College Costs The cost of higher education has become an even hotter topic in recent years. News outlets feverishly cover the political jockeying around
Anyone who lives or works with teenagers understands their unique capacity for selective listening. So, it’s no surprise that, when high schoolers hear that they do not have to submit
In today’s competitive college admissions climate, many students would jump at the opportunity to double, triple, or even quadruple their chances of admission to a college high on their list.
Clearly and concisely articulate who you are—in 650 words or fewer. This challenge would be daunting for many adults, yet this is precisely what the Common App personal statement section
There’s no uniform “right” number of schools on a college list. On rare occasions, we’ve had students apply to as few as two schools (both “likely” schools that offered rolling
It’s easy to get caught up in the college admissions frenzy and subscribe to the idea that getting in to X or Y school is a coveted prize, one that