frequently asked questions

Why don’t you charge by the hour or offer packages based on the numbers of colleges?

There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to applying to college. Some schools involve no additional essays while others require multiple supplemental essays in varying lengths. Hourly pricing creates uncertainties because families often do not know how much work is involved in applying to a particular college. Package pricing based on the number of schools does not account for the variance in essay supplements among colleges. Total costs under our hybrid structure are on par with comparable providers who assess hourly/per-school fees, yet our families know upfront exactly how the costs are broken down.

What happens if I want to work with an outside essay specialist or have iCC help only with essays?

iCC takes great pride in our individualized, comprehensive approach, which allows us to develop close relationships with students and approach each one’s process holistically. Outsourcing essays can lead to redundancies and/or miscommunications, which is why we firmly believe that our proven, 1:1 model is the most efficient and effective approach.

Can students add/subtract colleges once their list is "finalized"?

Of course. The college application process can be fluid, and college lists may change throughout the process. If students remove a school from their list after paying the associated fee but prior to iCC beginning work on its supplemental essays, the fee associated with that school will be returned. If students add a school, they can simply add it to their shopping cart and pay the associated fee. In deference to our other students and time constraints, we ask that students add schools as soon as they decide to apply to a college and no later than three weeks prior to the pertinent application submission deadline for that college.  


Can students complete essays/applications for certain colleges without help from iCC?

Yes. There is no obligation to engage our services for help with any particular school. However, iCC consultants will not advise on any portion of the supplemental application and/or essays for colleges that students elect to work on independently. For any given school’s supplement, being  all in or all out enables us to ensure that our students submit an application to each individual college that is consistent with our high quality standards.

What happens if I start a supplemental essay on my own and find I need help?

We understand that students may find themselves struggling with a particular college’s supplement, and we’re always happy to help. Students must add the school to their shopping cart and pay the associated fee at least three weeks prior to the college’s application submission deadline. 

Why are there different costs associated with applying to different colleges?

There is a significant variance in the amount of work involved in applying to Individual colleges, which each formulate their own requirements. Some colleges require minimal additional work beyond the basic Common Application platform and essays. Others require extensive supplemental essays and other materials and/or require usage of alternative application platforms. The fixed cost assessed for each individual college is proportional to the amount of work involved in applying to that college. Knowing the costs upfront enables our clients to make informed decisions when building college lists.

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